The Articles module is located under Resources:
The Article List contains over 700 articles (and growing) on a number of thyroid-related topics.
Tag - This column enables you to tag records
Article - Displays the name of the article
Year - Displays the year the article was published
PDF - Indicates that the article is in pdf form
Topic - Displays the category of the article
Publication - Displays where the article was published
Filename - Displays what the file is called in the Articles folder. This is a clickable link.
URL - Displays the web location of the article, in case you want to read it online. This is a clickable link.
Completed - Click this checkbox to see which articles you've finished reading
Recommended - Click this checkbox to see a filter of the articles recommended for reading
Flagged - Click this checkbox to see a filter of articles that are under review for accuracy, validity, etc.
Screenshot - Click this button to make a screenshot of the current window (for support purposes)
Tag All - Click this button to tag every record
Untag All - Click this button to untag every record
Show Tagged - Click this button to toggle showing which records are tagged, then which aren't tagged
Full Title - This tab shows the full title of the article (some are very long and don't fit neatly into an entry field)
Notes - This tab shows notes made regarding the article
Keywords - This tab shows keywords related to the article
Search String - This box enable you to search an entire record for a particular keyword
Although all of the articles are in PDF form in a folder (Articles), you can choose to read the article online if the URL field shows a link.
See also...
HelpID: Articles