You can find the Temperature module under the Tracking Tab
The Temperature Window enables you to track your body temperature readings, specifically the basal body readings, which can be a useful indicator of sufficient thyroid hormone therapy treatment. Your readings are averaged based on the number of records you've created. This module can also be useful for determining whether your temperature is being influenced predominantly by thyroid function or adrenal function.
Tag - This column enables you to select more-than-one record
Date - Displays the date of the record
Time - Displays the time of the record
Exc - Displays if the record should be excluded from calculations - This is useful when you take a reading and it's very high or low and you suspect something might be wrong with your temperature gauge but you want to keep the record for documentation.
Bas - Displays if this record is a BASAL body temperature reading
Nts - Displays if notes were created for this record
Temp - Displays your body temperature
Basal checkbox - Click this to filter only those records that are BASAL body temperature readings
Readings - Displays the total number of temperature readings you've created
Avg Temp - Displays the average temperature over the total number of reading (excluding BASAL and Exluded records)
Today - Only shows records you've created on Today's date
Yesterday - Displays records created one day previous from Today
Past 5 days - Displays records for the past 5 days from Today
Select a Range - Enables you to select a range of records to evaluate or print
All Readings - Displays all of your temperature readings, including BASAL and EXCluded.
Select a Range - You can print your temperature records (must be tagged first).
See also...
HelpID: Temperature