Med Log
You can find the Med Log module under the Scheduling tab
The Med Log screen is one of the most important parts of the thyroid tracker program. It enables you to track your medications and supplements daily, with precise knowledge on what you took and when you took it.
T - This is a tag field. It enables you to tag individual records
Medication - Displays both the medications and supplements listed for your treatment plan
OK - Displays warnings regarding certain medications or supplements
N - Displays whether or not you've commented on this particular dose
VT - Displays whether or not you've taken your blood pressure and heart rate (vitals taken) for this particular dose
Dose Status - Displays whether you've scheduled, administered, skipped or missed this dose
Qty - Displays the number of dosage units you intend to take for this medication/supplement
Date - Displays the date you've taken (or plan to take) this medication/supplement
Time - Displays the time you've taken (or plan to take) this medication/supplement
Med Image Information - Displays information about the hightlighted medication
Thyroid group (upper right) - Calculates the total amount of T4 and/or T3 you've taken this day
Vitamins - Displays the amounts of various vitamins you've taken this day
Minerals - Displays the amount of certain minerals you've taken this day
All-Thyroid-Rx-OTC-OTC-Med - This option control is used for filtering out various types of records
Scheduled - Checking this box filters the listbox to show only the records that display medications or supplements you've not yet taken this day
Total Units Group Control
Qty - Displays the number of dosage units you'll be taking (when status is 'Scheduled')
Items - Displays the number of medications or supplements listed in the listbox
Process Scheduled Medications Button - Clicking this button changes the Dose Status from 'Scheduled' to 'Administered' and subtracts inventory, shows totals of T4 and T3.
Adjust Dose Time Button - Will allow you to adjust records that are tagged and still 'Scheduled' to a time you select.
Delete Tagged Button - When you click on this button, any tagged records will be deleted.
Quick Time Adj. Button - Will automatically reset the time on tagged records to the current time.
Query Button - When clicked, you'll see the screen below. You can enter certain criteria, press tab and the little box will display an '=' sign. This will filter for any record having the criteria you've set.
See also...
HelpID: MedLog