View Dosing Schedule
You can find the Dosing Schedule under the Scheduling Tab
Using this module, you can schedule all of your medications and supplements for up to 7 days
Medication/Supplement - Displays the name of the medication or supplement
Days of the Week - Displays which days the med/supp will be taken
Quantities Taken - Displays the size of the dose taken
Med Rec - Displays the total units taken over a 7 day period
TPD - Displays the number of Times Per Day each med/supp is taken
Show Thyroid Meds - Click this to filter only thyroid medications
View - Click this button to display the screen below
Schedule Today - Click this button to schedule a day's worth of medications and supplements in the Medlog module
Schedule Doses for the Next 7 Days - Click on this button to add 1 week's worth of medications and supplements in the Medlog module
This is a view-only window showing the highlighted record
HelpID: UpdateDosingSchedule