Thyroid Tracker Pro
User guide
Treatment Log
You can find the Treatment Log under the Tracking Tab
The Treatment Log module enables you to document phases of your treatment by entering the beginning and ending of each dosage change. You have tools in the update form to document virtually everything that happens.
Previous Treatment Plans
TxNo - Displays the number of your treatment plan.
Start Date - Displays the date when you began this treatment plan
End Date - Displays the date you completed this treatment plan
Tx Plan Description - Displays the name you used to describe this treatment plan
Plan Description - Displays additional information about this treatment plan
T4 Amt - Displays the total amount of T4 (levothyroxine) you're taking with this plan
T3 Amt - Displays the total amount of T3 (Liothyroning) you're taking with this plan
Ratio - Displays the calculated ratio of T4 to T3
A - Displays an icon depicting a 'thumbs up' or 'thumbs down' effectiveness of this plan
Planned - Displays the number of days you intended to stay on this treatment plan
Actual - Displays the actual number of days you stayed on this plan
T4 - Adjust - Displays any changes in the amount of T4 from the previous plan to the current plan
T3 - Adjust - Displays any changes in the amount of T3 from the previous plan to the current plan
NewT4 Amount - Displays what will show up in the current treatment plan for T4
NewT3 Amount - Displays what will show up in the current treatment plan for T3
TxNo 72 - If you look at the arrows in the lower right hand corner (above), you'll see that an adjustment was made in the amount of T3. It was reduced by 5mcg.
TxNo 73 (Current) - You can see that this change is reflected with the current dose showing T4-150mcg and T3-5mcg. This is now the current treatment plan and you click on the Update button to make changes as time goes by and you want to enter new data.
Current Treatment Plan
See also...
HelpID: TreatmentLog
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