Thyroid Tracker Pro
User guide
Med Log Vitals
You can find the Med Log Vitals module in the Scheduling Tab
The MedLog Vitals table enables you to review any notes you created regarding overstimulation of thyroid medications or side effects from other prescription drug therapies.
You don't enter records directly here but rather, from the MedLog module.
While this module was intended to enable you to document any symptoms associated with your thyroid dosing, you can also use it to show that you did NOT have any symptoms. From the time you take a dose of levothyroxine, it takes between 2 to 4 hours before peak levels of T4 are achieved and another 2 to 4 hours before your Free T3 levels begin to rise. Any sort of negative symptom immediately following ingestion would only be a reaction to inert components in the tablet, not the medication.
IDNo - Unique id number for that record
Medication - Displays the name of the medication (can also be a supplement)
Qty - Displays the number of dosage units taken
Date - Displays the date the medication was taken
Time - Displays the time that the medication was taken
Observed - Displays the time that the symptom was experienced
NS - When checked, this means no symptoms are being reported
Anx - Anxiety
Dia - Diarrhea
Irr - Irritability
Nau - Nausea
Pal - Palpitations
Swt - Sweating
Tre - Tremor
Sys - Systolic
Dia - Diastolic
Temp - Temperature
HR - Heart Rate
See also...
HelpID: MedLogVitals
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