Thyroid Tracker Pro
User guide
Bowel Movements
You can locate the Bowel Movements module under the Tracking tab
The Bowel Movements screen enables you to view how often and how well you eliminate waste.
BM Date - Displays the date you had a bowel movement
BM Time - Displays the time you had a bowel movement
BM Type - Displays 1 of 7 criteria based on the Bristol Stool Chart
Select a Range(Tab) - You have the ability to sort your data based on a range of dates
Start Date - Enter the date you want to begin collecting data
End Date - Enter the date you want to finish collecting data
Classification - Displays 1 of 3 outcomes: Constipated, Normal or Diarrhea
Total BMs - Displays a calculation of how many bowel movements you've recorded
Query - Click this button to analyze your records. You can evaluate the Classification (constipated, ect.) and Bristol Stool Type
See also...
HelpID: BowelMovements
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