Imagine being able to track virtually every aspect of your thyroid illness, from medications and symptoms to blood tests and administration of treatments. It’s all available, right here.

Thyroid Tracker Pro

Current version

Thyroid Tracker Pro was designed to provide you with a method to track all aspects of your illness and treatment. By logging your daily medications and supplements, documenting your vitals signs and evaluating your symptoms on a weekly basis, you provide not only yourself a clear picture of what you’re actively doing but demonstrating to your doctor that you are not a liability.

The number one reason doctors hesitate to give their patients adequate thyroid hormone dosing is because of a fear of liability. Despite recent research that shows dosing strictly by the TSH level is failing many patients, doctors feel compelled to continue doing it. And despite your best intentions of bringing your favorite thyroid book with you to your appointment to point out your doctor’s flaws in logic, you’re missing what’s important…to him…it’s to avoid risk.

He must be able to document your treatment and the only thing he has is that TSH test. He doesn’t have information about the status of your heart…your blood pressure and heart rate. He would rather under dose you than take a chance that something might go wrong. You can help him (and yourself in the end) by producing the kinds of reports that he can stick in your health folder. Without your assistance, he’ll fall back on just one test, and it’s not even a thyroid test! It’s a pituitary test!


You’ll be able to enter all of your medications and supplements and print them out

Med Scheduling

Save time by scheduling all of your medications and supplements for up to 7 days.

Medication Log

You’ll find it easy to maintain adherence to your medication and supplement routine by confirming each dosage unit you take.


Keep a log of all your medical appointments, along with any expenses you’ve paid for doctor’s appointments


Keep a log of all your symptoms. Print out your list and take it to your doctor.

Blood Testing

Enter all of your blood tests along with the results.

Saliva Testing

Track your cortisol saliva levels, which can prove useful in creating a more thorough treatment plan.

Treatment Log

Track your thyroid medication treatments. See how each increase or decrease in dosage affects your overall health.